Please bring your own volleyball, as Gatsby's will not provide them. There will be no alcohol consumed in the parking lot or court area. Court lights must be turned out by 11:00 PM. If matches finish before the allotted time, league players may play "pickup" games until that time.
Entries will be taken on a first come, first serve basis.
For each night of play, there will be a designated league coordinator who will be responsible for setting the schedules for both nets, making sure the referees arrive on time, the matches finish according to the time schedule, handling questions and suggestions, posting the standings and distributing league information, etc. to the team captains.
A match will consist of 3 games, with 50 minutes allowed for each match. The first two games are played to 25 with a 27 point cap and a maximum time length of 20 minutes/game. The third game will be played to 21 points with a 23 point cap and will be played until the official time allowed for the game/match expires. Teams must win by a 2 point margin unless official time limit for that game/match has expired, at which time the team leading by at least 1 point will be declared the winner.
Teams will be given a 5-minute grace period if they do not have enough players to begin the match. If after 5 minutes the team does not have the minimum number of players to begin the match, they will forfeit the first game and have up to 20 minutes (15 additional minutes) after the scheduled starting time to get the minimum number of players or all three games will be forfeited. Teams are given one 30 second time-out per game. The official game time is stopped during such time outs. If the game ball travels outside the fenced in area during the last two minutes of official game time, the official game time will be stopped until the ball is retrieved. The ref's will be instructed to stay on schedule.
Team rosters and waivers must be submitted by the first game scheduled for your league. Sixes teams will be allowed 12 names and Fours teams will be allowed 8 names on their rosters. Roster changes can be made to rosters up to the fourth week of league play. Players may play for only one team in each league (unless mutually agreed upon by both team captains prior to the start of the match). You must be 21 or over to play! For playoffs, only players on your team roster are eligible to play.
If a team forfeits 3 matches during the season, that team will be dropped from the league with no refund. If you know in advance that your team will forfeit on a certain night, please advise your designated coordinator so he/she can notify the opposing team.
Gatsby's almost never has to cancel our volleyball leagues, due to the excellent drainage of our courts. If the weather is bad and you think the leagues may be cancelled or delayed, check the Gatsby's Facebook. If during a match we get a thunderstorm with lightning strikes nearby, the match will be stopped. If you continue to play after the official has stopped the match, you will play at your own risk. We will decide within 1/2 hour after stopping a match if it will resume, or be totally cancelled and rescheduled. There will be one week at the end of the season allowed for rainout make-up games.
Playoff dates will be listed on your team schedule. Captains are responsible for checking with the League Coordinator to get their match times for playoffs.
Ground Rules:
**Characteristics of the Contact (Hit): The ball may touch any part of the body. At the first hit of a team (excluding serve receive), the ball may contact various parts of the body consecutively provided the contacts occur during one action. The ball must be hit, not caught or thrown. It can rebound in any direction. An exception shall be allowed during the defensive play of a hard-driven ball (an attack-hit or blocked ball traveling at a high rate of speed), as judged by the referee. In that case, the ball may be held momentarily overhand with the fingers**
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